Make Money Online

If you have been looking for ways to make money online,  you have probably been overwhelmed by the sheer number of opportunities.  Most likely, you’ve run into more scams than legitimate ‘opportunities’.  I know I have.  I’m still learning as I go along and am willing to share what I’ve learned with you.

One of the most important factors in anyone’s success is planning.  If you want to work online, give some thought to what you want to do online, what you are good at, and what kind of money you want to make working online.  Good planning provides the framework for everything that follows.  For instance:  If you are a full time mom looking to make an extra $50/month, you may be more interested in joining a few higher paying survey sites or writing articles rather than starting your own website or blog.  If you hate writing you don’t want to waste your time comparing the different article submission sites.

Having a plan also allows you to set production and financial goals that can be checked along the way.  Whatever you do, don’t quit your day job or invest a lot of money into any new venture until you have tried it out and done all your research.  Some people achieve overnight success but most people work long and hard building their online work as they would offline work.  The following are the primary ways I am making money online.

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