Yes You Can Work From Home!

Not everyone is successful working from home as it requires much more than a complete home office.  Do you have the skills, patience, self discipline, and environment required to successfully work from home?  Here are some traits common to people who work remotely:

  • Self-starter; be able to figure out what needs to be done without a lot of instruction.
  • Responsible, hard working, and focused.
  • Have a dedicated home office space.
  • Keep a schedule and be consistent. Do not get sidetracked or pulled away unnecessarily.
  • Have up to date hardware and software and access to support if needed.  phone line, fax, printer, computer with all the latest software applicable to your work, etc. Know how to operate like a traditional business (for example, mailings, large copy jobs, couriers, etc.).
  • Be comfortable working alone – you won’t have your cube mate to chat with or someone to eat lunch with everyday.

When you do land your dream job at home:

  • Don’t let your professional skills suffer; keep up with technology and up to date in your profession.
  • Don’t lose your professional connections; maintain business contacts and participate in professional networking opportunities.

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